Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I Disappeared...

So I have had a few rough has gotten extremely complicated over the last two weeks...a matter of my health or $$$ so unfortunately that has taken a ton of my time.  I appologize for those who have started to read my page.  But I've decided to stop letting that situation bring me down and FOCUS ON THE +++ POSITIVES +++...and there are a TON!!!

The kitchen is coming along beautifully!!!!! Countertops were installed yesterday and I am IN LOOOOOOVE!  The plummer is coming this afternoon and that means we might actually have a functional sink and dishwasher.  Yes folks, that means NO MORE BATHTUB!!!  No more tripping over dishes drying on the floor.  No more buckets of soapy water.  I...CAN'T...WAIT!

On another note, my wonderful son turned 5 on Monday. So Sunday was a day full of food, family, and FOOTBALL!  Yes, our New England Patriots are going to the Superbowl and we watched the entire game that got them there. What a game!  Anyway, back to the boy...I love having an excuse to get together with family because I have a wonderful one.  Mr. Wonderful's family is fantastic.  They all made the 2 hour drive to our house to celebrate AND watch the game.  I cooked in my countertop-less kitchen and we ate like KINGS and QUEENS!  We paid for it for the next few days but that's ok.  The boy had a great birthday and it continues into his actual day where he and his friends woke up from nap to a classroom full of balloons and cupcakes.  Their faces were priceless when I went to pick up the boy shortly after they woke up.

Couldn't have asked for a better day...week...two weeks (minus work balogna)...month.  Things are really starting to look up!

So since the plimber is coming today...I will beging to put together the whole sage, of which you heard some of it on my last post.  The transformation is AH-MA-ZING!

Have a great day all!!!

Hugs!! XO

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