Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I Disappeared...

So I have had a few rough has gotten extremely complicated over the last two weeks...a matter of my health or $$$ so unfortunately that has taken a ton of my time.  I appologize for those who have started to read my page.  But I've decided to stop letting that situation bring me down and FOCUS ON THE +++ POSITIVES +++...and there are a TON!!!

The kitchen is coming along beautifully!!!!! Countertops were installed yesterday and I am IN LOOOOOOVE!  The plummer is coming this afternoon and that means we might actually have a functional sink and dishwasher.  Yes folks, that means NO MORE BATHTUB!!!  No more tripping over dishes drying on the floor.  No more buckets of soapy water.  I...CAN'T...WAIT!

On another note, my wonderful son turned 5 on Monday. So Sunday was a day full of food, family, and FOOTBALL!  Yes, our New England Patriots are going to the Superbowl and we watched the entire game that got them there. What a game!  Anyway, back to the boy...I love having an excuse to get together with family because I have a wonderful one.  Mr. Wonderful's family is fantastic.  They all made the 2 hour drive to our house to celebrate AND watch the game.  I cooked in my countertop-less kitchen and we ate like KINGS and QUEENS!  We paid for it for the next few days but that's ok.  The boy had a great birthday and it continues into his actual day where he and his friends woke up from nap to a classroom full of balloons and cupcakes.  Their faces were priceless when I went to pick up the boy shortly after they woke up.

Couldn't have asked for a better day...week...two weeks (minus work balogna)...month.  Things are really starting to look up!

So since the plimber is coming today...I will beging to put together the whole sage, of which you heard some of it on my last post.  The transformation is AH-MA-ZING!

Have a great day all!!!

Hugs!! XO

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My Kitchen Sink

Let me introduce you to my kitchen sink.
And another view...
And the whole thing in one shot...

Yes...Yes...YES that is our bathtub.  you see, back in November (mmm hmm I said NOVEMBER) we discovered that our garbage disposal had been leaking....for a pretty lengthy period of time from what the insurance adjuster said...
Who ever loves to hear those words...Insurance Adjuster?  Not me anymore! The leak lead to this
 and this
which lead to this
 and this
all right before the holidays!

After a few weeks of waiting and waiting and waiting, we finally were able to begin the reconstruction.  That, I will save for another post.

Why am I posting about this you might be asking yourself. Well, I was bending over the side of my bathtub this evening after a wonderful meal prepared my Mr. Wonderful himself (while I attended my first PTSO meeting)...because of course if he cooks, I clean...and thought that it would make for a very interesting post to share with my readers.  Not quite sure why but I decided to run with it.

Take a good look at my kitchen "sink" one interesting item in the third picture...go ahead.  I'll wait while you scroll up to look...
Did you see the DRANO?  Yep.....So I finished my first batch of dishes which are now sitting in the clean side of the "sink" (see photo 2) and the tub wasn't draining.  So I waited, and waited...not much of anything was happening there. So I dug deep (not really) into the box that is currently serving as my under the sink cabinet to locate the Drano.  When I went back to the "sink", it wasn't draining at all...STANDING WATER!!! Then I took a closer look...the drain wasn't fully open!  After laughing a little to myself, I opened it and watched everything disappear...........

So over the next few weeks, I am hoping to share with you the transformation of our kitchen as it goes from OH YAY IT'S DONE! 

Follow me, Get my blog posts via email, or just come back....SHOW ME (and our kitchen) SOME LUUUUUUUV!!!

I must go back to washing dishes now...oh and in case you were first PTSO meeting went well.  I may tell you about that tomorrow.

Hugs!!  XO

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hockey...specifically UNH Hockey :)

I am sitting on a coach bus in Boston on my way home from Frozen Fenway!

So much fun. I am a University of New Hampshire fan through and through! Being completely surrounded by Maine fans, our greatest rival, was GREAT! I got to spend some quality time with my mom, brother, and best friend of all times.

So why am I writing this might you ask? Well, I need to vent. I LOVE hockey and growing up around the sport, I learned some very important do's and don'ts (is that even how you spell that???). First, you are at a hockey game and this one is OUTSIDE. Sure, at the time the 8:10 game started it was 50 degrees out but that doesn't mean you should dress like this:

I mean come on......she CLEARLY wasn't there for the game.

Second, I am all about rivalry BUT when all is said and done, if a good game is played, man up and say so.

Third, KEEP YOUR DARN TOOSH IN YOUR SEAT UNTIL THE PLAY IS OVER. I mean seriously, didn't your mother teach you ANY manners? Three times this happened to me tonight and I act made one guy stop and the middle of the row...

So now that the vent is over, great game UNH and UMAINE. Take this experience with you wherever you go because how many chances are you going to get to play HOCKEY at FENWAY PARK!

Hugs! XO

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day T-W-O!!!!

I can do this, I can do this! I keep telling myself this. I WANT to do this. I am referring to the blog of course. Let me tell you, after I published my first post, the reality of WHY I want to do this, keep a blog about my life (or whatever it turns out to be), is because I need something to bring my creative side out. I can be creative sometimes, however I never give myself the chance to be REALLY creative. So this is my chance.

It is also my chance to feel accomplished. I have a job... a job I enjoy...sometimes. But I never really feel accomplished at what I do. So again, this is my chance.

My hopes are, that if this blog finds you, you enjoy it (duh!). I hope I am able to enlighten you with my life, have you laugh at all my funny moments, offer suggestions (and criticism) when asked, etc., etc.

So, for my first WHAT IS SHE THINKING MOMENT.....

I have signed on as Vice President of the Parent Teacher Student Organsization (PTSO) at my daughter's school. Feel free to smack me on my head...hard...What am I thinking?!?!?!?!?

That is all...


So...I began my journey into blogland several months ago. I'm not sure why...but I am HOOKED! Yes, H - Double O -KED!!! And I have been wanting to start a blog of mine. But I have been deciding whether or not I have the time. Time? TIME? What's time??? Truth be told, i have none to spare. But I've decided, if I can do one thing for mylsef, this will be IT! My life has been one HUGE roller coaster ride. it still is...but it is more of a new-age roller coaster rather than one of those old, rickety wooden roller coasters you question even getting on. Reason being for this, I feel more settled than I have ever been. I feel accomplished, I am a homeowner, have 2 wonderful kids, and now...a MR. WONDERFUL + 3 more equally as wonderful kids! As even more crazy-hectic as my life has become, I welcome it with open arms! As long as I keep this bloggity blog going, my New Year's resolution by the way (which means I have to keep it going...right), you will learn how our story began and how it unfolds more and more every day...much like a growing quilt you might that Nana is making just for you and adding to every chance she gets...OK, too much I guess! So, welcome me to BLOGLAND, USA!